It’s been so long since I last posted here that I don’t even know where to begin. Truth be told I’ve started to post several times, but I’d let it go for so long that I couldn’t find a good starting point. Do you ever get so behind on something that getting back into the swing seems a little overwhelming? That’s what happens to me.
So, where to begin… last time I was here it was August. After my work load increased we undertook a moving/combining of two offices which was really a big mess but seems to finally be settling back down to normal. At the same time, my Mom turned one room in her house into probably one of the cutest sewing rooms I’ve ever seen and I helped her with that also. I’ll try to get a picture sometime this week.
I can’t believe that it’s fall already! The leaves here are changing and some trees have gone faster than others. There’s one huge beautiful old tree that I pass on my way to and from work every day that looked like it was on fire when the sun hit it. Tens of thousands of golden orange leaves, sometimes I had to stop my car and stare. I took a picture with my cell phone and the quality isn’t very good (not to mention my windshield is in the way) but you get the point.
I only wish it would get a little cooler. Even today we got up to 80 degrees. It’s staying very mild and even slightly warm most days. I’m ready for cool crisp weather that warrants sweaters and boots and the smell of people burning wood in their fireplaces. Fall really is my favorite time of year. I’d love to be able to have fall/harvest touches in my house but that will probably take years of slowly buying up little odds and ends and crafting. In the mean time, I did score a few things at Wal-mart the other day that I like.
These yellowish orange glass pumpkin jars were on clearance for $3 each. They would be great to put cookies or candy in. I got one and snagged three for Mom, but she may find herself missing one pretty soon because I think I’ve decided that I need another.
I also found these pumpkin and leave vase fillers for $6. The pumpkins have kind of a candied texture to them that I really like. Right now I have them in this little black wire bowl that I found and loved, but I also think they may look good in one of my clear glass hurricane vases.
Another thing that’s been occupying my time and thoughts lately is something that I was hesitant to mention here. While I want this blog to be an open and honest little window into our lives, I also don’t feel comfortable putting everything about our lives onto the internet. I’m sure many people out there probably feel the same way. The question is where do you draw the line?? Since this looks like it’s going to be a BIG chapter of our lives in the coming months, I’ve decided that I’ll be talking about it some here because this was intended to be something we can look back at over time.
I’m talking about infertility. I never ever EVER thought this would be something I’d have to deal with. Steven and I married in 2007 and decided to take some time for ourselves before we started a family. It never occurred to me that once we were ready to start a family, we wouldn’t be able to. We decided we were ready in early 2009. Fast-forward to summer of this year and still nothing, nada, zero. We knew something must be wrong so I saw my GP in July and was referred to a fertility specialist. Since then we have been doing extensive testing and have discovered that we both have fertility problems and the possibility of us ever becoming pregnant on our own was about as low as it gets… it would take a miracle. Now we’re finally nearing the end of the diagnostic testing phase and soon will find out what our treatment plan and costs are. So beginning next year we will be going full speed ahead and by the grace of God, hopefully become parents.
While all this is going on, it seems like everyone we know is getting pregnant and having babies. While we are happy for our friends and family who have or are expecting babies, it is really hard for us to be around them. I’m actively boycotting baby showers at this moment. Even though I am currently about to start 1 baby quilt and have another to pick out fabric for as soon as the gender is known. One thing you never realize until you experience infertility yourself is how inadequate it makes you feel. Since we both have fertility issues, neither of us could really be objective and just be an active participant and cheerleader for the other. If anyone out there believes in the power of prayer, as we do, please pray for us during this time.
Ok, enough about that!
Last month my aunt and uncle came to Nashville and stayed with us for a few days. Even though they weren’t here for long we had a blast. We introduced them to my favorite store, HomeGoods. I think my aunt really liked it and she ended up leaving with several things, including the cutest little white cabinet with sliding doors for her sewing room. We also hit a nearby outlet mall where everyone found something they liked and we drove home that day with my car so full of people and purchases that I’m surprised (and relieved) that a door or two didn’t pop open. I’m still not sure how they fit it all in their car to drive home to Oklahoma, but somehow they managed.
I haven’t been sewing much but I have managed to finish the zig-zag quilt top for my nephew’s Christmas present. If you remember, I was making identical quilts in different colors for my niece and nephew. Now that they are both done, I’m going to get them to the long-arm quilter hopefully in the next week and then pray that I get them back and get the binding on in time for Christmas. One of these days, I’m going to tackle machine quilting. I just don’t want my first time (which I’m sure will be wrought with mistakes) to be on a gift that I’m giving to someone.
Wow, how many directions did this post go in? Hope I didn’t lose anyone back there. I’d say that I’ve finally lost it, but to tell you the truth I’m not quite sure that I ever had it in the first place! lol
Que Sera, Sera!