Monday, December 20, 2010

Eau de Homemade Orange Rolls

For the past two nights I've been making Pioneer Woman's famous homemade cinnamon roll recipe, except I used the modified version and turned mine into orange rolls.  This is probably one of the most complicated culinary procedures I've attempted in my 28 years.  Scalded milk, had to google that.  Active dry yeast, turns out has to be put in the milk at just the right temperature (learned that one the hard way). Then as if all that scientific stuff weren't enough, I had to roll out the dough and slather it and roll it back up and... Sheesh, you get the picture!  I'll never lie and say these were easy to make, but they sure do smell GOOD, like REALLY REALLY GOOD!!

The recipe made 7 pans of rolls so I'm going to freeze some, and give some away.  I actually made these early in preparation for Christmas morning.  It'll be so much easier just to pop these bad boys in the oven for 15 or 20 minutes then to try and make something from scratch that morning.

Here they are fresh out of the oven, smelling divine

And after I added the orange icing (which I did taste and it was delish)

I'm hoping they taste as good as they smell.  I'll be sure to let you know the reviews once they're in.  If you'd like to make them you can find the recipe by clicking here.

I love getting in the kitchen and making yummy stuff this time of year, with Christmas music blasting from my iPod.  Two of my favorite Christmas albums this year (and every year) are Christmas by Rebecca St James, and Wintersong by Sarah Mclachlan.  Do you  have any favorite holiday music?  How about recipes to share? 

Jingling all the way,

Hello Again!

So I think I've come to terms with the fact that my blogging is sporadic, at best.  If I could just squeeze an extra 3 or 4 hours into each day!  I'm sure so many people out there feel exactly the same way.  I don't even have children yet!  I know once that happens my available time will dwindle to near non-existence.  To all of the ladies (and guys) out there who manage to hold down jobs, keep the household running, put meals on the table,  AND raise children who turn out to be contributing members of society, my hat is off to you.  To take it a step further, those same folks who also find time to create beauty in their world, whether it be quilting, baking beautiful cakes, decorating spaces, painting, building, you name it-- you guys absolutely ROCK!  I hope to be just like you when I grow up (wink,wink-- get it? lol) 

So since we last met I've had a birthday, and turned 28.  It was a tough birthday for me.  I was kind of down-trodden and slightly emotional all day and couldn't really figure out why.  I mean, it isn't as if I was turning 30 (which will probably be a hard one for me). I finally figured it out towards the end of the day that deep down I had never pictured being 28 and not yet having children.  Turns out, it really bothered me.  I hate it when I let stuff like that get me down.  So many people out there have so much bigger problems, it seems petty to dwell on such insignificant things.  But dwell I did.  I had myself a good little cry about it and now I've resolved to move on and leave that behind.  However, if I find myself in the same predicament next year on my birthday, then I reserve the right to cry and stomp my feet and whatever other unreasonable actions I feel are deserved.

I've been exploring a lot of blogs out there lately and have come across some really beautiful lines of fabric that I'd never even heard of before.  I could look at fabric all day, every day and twice on Sunday I think.  Usually I gravitate towards some of the more well-known designers/manufacturers.  I like a lot of Moda fabrics.  Some of my favorite designers are Bonnie and Camille, Fig Tree, 3 Sisters, French General, Kate Spain, among others. I also like a lot of Free Spirit fabrics.  Tula Pink, Tanya Whelan, and Anna Maria Horner ( a fellow Tennessean!) are some of my faves.  And who doesn't like Amy Butler or Kaffe Fassett?? 

This past week I stumbled across this Japanese manufacturer called Lecien.  Two lines in particular really caught my eye.  One called Sweet Broderie is designed by an Aussie named Rosalie Quinlan and it is just adorable!

Photo Credit:

The other fabric line was from an American designer who I had actually seen before on Moda Bakeshop.  Monica Solorio-Snow, aka Happy Zombie, designed Happy Holiday for Lecien fabrics.  I had never before considered a palette like this for Christmas, but I really do like it!

Photo Credit:

Head over to the Happy Zombie blog to see some of the cute stuff made with this fabric.  Both lines can be purchased at, as well as other online retailers.  LOL, I swear I'm not trying to sell this stuff!!  I just hate it when I see something I like with no mention of where to buy it. Both of these are going on my Christmas wishlist. What did you ask Santa for??

I could keep rambling now, but I think I'll leave well enough alone and save some off whats in my head for another post.  And next post I promise to include some of my own photos!

Until next time, Be Good For Goodness Sake!